Hoda DAvari


Who I am?

I studied civil in BSc in Khajenasir university and hydraulic branch in MS in Sharif university.  My average score of high school was 19.60 out of 20. and average score of about 16 out of 20 in BSc and MSc while the average score of university was about 13 out of 20.
 I have a published paper in an ISI journal. Also, I have participated in scientific activities like holding a conference in the field of bridge during BSc level or submitting a paper in a national conference in the
pollution field in MSc and others. Now I am active in the field of  WEB DESIGN and APPLICATIONS.  You can find more about me here. 

Career and Skill Developments:

Engineering software


Designing software


Web designing

HTML, CSS, WordPress

Programming Language

C++,JAva SC

kScientific Computing


irrigation equipments

Polaby platform as a startup in sharif techpark
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2008/09 – 2011/08
Sharif uni

In annual national MS exam, I accepted in Sharif University, the most reputable university in Iran. My thesis, directed by Prof. Jamali, was
about dispersion in canopies led to a publication. Analysis technique was a novel method of image processing which was improved by a year of extensive research after defense. The other paper of this technique is ready to submit.

2003/09 –2007/05

After high school, I reached a top rank 1% of the country in the annual national university entrance exam and got accepted in one of the best technical institute in Iran, Toosi University of Technology, for studying in my favorite major, Civil Engineering

  • Jamali, Mirmosadegh, Hoda Davari, and Farrokh Shoaei. “Lateral
    dispersion indeflected emergent aquatic canopies.” Environmental Fluid Mechanics (2019): 1-18
  • Ready to be submitted as: “An image processing technique for
    measurement of dispersion in model aquatic canopies in flumes
  • Conference of Water pollution was held in Iran
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Job Experience

sharif university
Web designer
2017 – Present

  • I ‘ve designed some different website with WordPress (Elementor and Bakery) as well as html/css. Also I ‘m working on Seo and php to improve my abilities. some of my active web samples can be found in the following address:

Caspian Company
[personal assistant]
2012/10/10 – 2015/11/19

Caspian Company’s context is design and performance of hydraulic structure. I have worked as a researcher in the project of prioritization of urban drainage system’s rehabilitation. I worked on;
 Evolutionary algorithms(PSO, GA), single and multi-criteriaoptimization
 Risk-cost analysis
 Risk software( expert choice)
 Water management models,( SWMM)
 Computing program( Matlab software)

Toofan Company
[project manager]
2015/12/13 – present

I am in the management board of this company where acts on them field of designing complicated mechanical parts, smart houses and also pressurized irrigation. My tasks are;
 Design and implementation of irrigation projects including financial items, performance and maintenance
 Dynamic advertisement
 Considering insurance problems as a member of the board, which lead reduction in insurance cost considerably.
 Periodic evaluation related scoring the institute in our country, Iran, to gain some facilities.
 Setting monthly goals, tracked progress and report to company owner.
 Designing and updating of company website, by the address, tftoofan.ir

